Wednesday, January 1, 2020


As I sit at my desk in the pre-dawn moments of the very first day of the new year and the new decade I ponder the past, the present and the future. That's what new years are for, right?

A blank page
A new start
365 days of wonder all wrapped neatly into 12 months

Two years ago I stopped setting New Year's Resolutions (I mean the only one I can remember setting and keeping for an extended period of time was to recycle) and started choosing a word, just one word that would carry me through the year and be my intentional focus.

I have been amazed at how each year I don't have to search a list or ask people or research at all what my #OneWord will be. Each year, since 2018, my word has found me.

My #OneWord2018 was RESOLVE. I was doing a Bible study on the book of Daniel and these words jumped off the page:

I knew in that moment that my word for the year was going to be RESOLVE. In 2018 I needed to be steadfast in the decisions I made, the work I did and the battles I fought. I needed to resolve to be strong no matter what. 

My #OneWord2019 was PRESENT. And as with RESOLVE, it found me. I was at a time in my life (in the middle of my first full year as a principal) when I needed to focus on being present. When that word chose me, there was a time of grief at all the moments I had missed because I was not present. I was either too busy ruminating about mistakes in the past, too concerned with the to-do list of the present or too worried about what the future held. Even when in the moment of a conversation with a friend or family member I would find myself pondering what I was going to say and not give them the gift of my full attention. Do you know how much you miss when you are not present in each moment? 

After having a full year with the word RESOLVE and not focusing on it as much as I should, I knew I needed to do a better job with PRESENT. So I put screensavers on my phone and my Apple watch to remind me. I created a Pinterest board with all kinds of quotes on being present. A good friend and colleague surprised me with this amazing bracelet and I wore it almost every single day to be that constant reminder: "Suzie, be present in THIS moment."

As 2019 came to a close I was surprised at how easily my #OneWord2020 came to me; it basically landed in my lap. 
This word came to be me not only through books I was reading but in just doing every day life, in being observant, in watching how others connect or don't connect.

I just finished reading #KidsTheseDays by @JodyCarrington. She says so much about connection and the dangerous repercussions we are facing due to the tidal wave of disconnection.

"We are wired for connection." 
Dr. Jody Carrington

Feelings of isolation, loneliness, and a complete disconnection from others is causing so many problems in our society today. It's not the guns. It's not even the technology. It's not the busyness. It's the disconnection. Connecting can and will heal so much. Connecting can and will change the path others are on, like one raindrop falling into another one. The two become one and the path they travel becomes so different than their original path.

This will be my focus 2020. I want to purposefully connect or reconnect with people. I want to be purposeful to help others connect or reconnect.

I hope you will join me on my journey. I hope to document my growth through blogs and tweets. This will help hold me accountable.

One final word: I am so thankful for the connections I have made this year through Twitter and Voxer. Being a part of #4OCFPLN has completely changed the trajectory of my journey.

Let's go!

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