Saturday, March 28, 2020

On This Day: 1 Year Ago

I know we are all struggling with this unprecedented situation we find ourselves in. And there are so many questions and unknowns right now. But before you know it we will be past this and it will be

this time next year

Those of us on Facebook will begin to get those notifications: "On this day 1 year ago..." 

I don't always look at those posts unless they pop up in my feed or someone tags me in one. When I see them my reactions vary based on what shows up. Pictures of my kids (who are now grown) as little ones bring a rush of happy memories. Pictures of vacations taken, loved ones lost, new friendships and connections formed all captured in posts titled, "On this day: ___ year(s) ago.

Have you ever taken the time to think that the present time is determining what will be in those memory posts?

With that in mind, focus on this:

You are determining right now what will show up in your memory feed 
"On this day: 1 Year Ago." 

Will it be anxiety inducing posts?

Will it be funny memes about toilet paper or being stuck in your house with your family?

Will it be encouraging posts that you shared to help brighten the days for others?

Will it be mindfulness pictures and posts that help others stop and appreciate the beauty of our world that we so often miss in the rush of every day life? (I am thankful to my #4OCFPLN voxer group for sharing their mindfulness pictures everyday).

You are writing the stories now that will be memories this time next year.

I am looking forward to seeing the memory notifications of the times...

...I have spent with my family watching movies, walking around the neighborhood, playing badminton and putting a puzzle together.

...I have spent drawing closer to my Alto Park family. Seriously, y'all we have had some good times on...

...Zoom playing trivia,

...parading in our individual cars to honk, yell and wave at our students, Flipgrid challenges.

We are closer as a staff than ever before. #APSoars

I think now more than ever I am more aware that what we are doing is going to impact us long into the future. Maybe it is because so many demands have been lifted. Maybe it is because our normal routines have been disrupted. Whatever the reason, let's embrace it and be purposeful in what we do.

Because in no time at all we will see the decisions we make today become the memories of yesterday. 

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