Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#OneWord2020-Connect Staying Connected During COVID-19

How many times have you heard: "We are living in unprecedented times"? I know I have heard that phrase too many times to count.

We are all just trying to figure things out.

How are we going to deliver schoolwork?

How are we going to ensure students stay on track?

How are we going to grade?

How do we do this work-at-home thing? (As I write this my own 3 children are causing so much noise that I may have to build me a she-shed in the backyard....I mean you can only turn the airpods up so loud).

There are more unknowns than known (every time I write or speak that phrase the song from Frozen 2 plays through my mind and in case you haven't heard it click here).

Yet we have to continue forging forward through each minute, each hour, each day.

While there is so much that is unknown this I do know: People come first. This means that my number one focus right now is making sure teachers, families and students are okay.

I am so thankful that I came across Allyson Apsey's (@AllysonApsey) blog: COVID-19 Edition of the Monday Morning Staff Check-in.

I completely agree with her thoughts here:
Leading through unmarked territory is surreal at times. Focusing on what the people around me need means that I cannot give into my emotions, yet I need to show empathy and feel with our teachers and students. It is a tricky balance, I am not going to lie. It is exhausting, but it is exactly what I signed up for when I became a principal and I am so proud to do this job. 

This has been my focus more than anything else. From nightly staff check-ins, to text messages, emails, and phone calls, staying connected to them and keeping them connected to each other has been my goal. So glad that I chose 'connected' to be my #OneWord2020 (check out my blog about choosing my OneWord).

I followed Allyson's lead and created my own Monday Morning Staff Check-In. I love sending it out on Monday morning and reading each response. Most of them share they are doing well, some are stir crazy and some want to be included in a project.

Allyson also shares a form she created to send out to families. So with the help of my assistant principal and interpreter we created our own Alto Park Family Friday Check-in. I have sent it out the past two Fridays. It has been an awesome way to reach out to our families. Right now only about 10% are responding but it has opened the door for me to reach out to them and know how they are doing. This past week I was able to connect with a mom who has recently lost 3 family members (not related to COVID). Just to be able to let her know that we were thinking about her and are here for her and her children meant so much to me.

Yes. There are still more questions than there are answers. But one thing I do know: We have to stay connected.

P.S. If you would like to create your own check-in form you are welcome to click the links and make a copy of mine.


  1. You picked the right word for 2020, Suzie! Connecting in some ways can be easier given the circumstances we have. Love Alyson's idea and your adaptation of it.

    1. Thank you Mark! I have really enjoyed getting creative with my #OneWord this year. And our current circumstances have provided me that opportunity.
